Message from the President

From Bank President, Randy Scott

Meeting community needs with the best in caring, professional banking service is not all that hard to do if doing that has always been your bank’s primary focus. It has been with our bank. Since the founding of Farmers Bank & Trust more than 100 years ago to serve Blytheville and customers across Mississippi County, Arkansas, our bank has focused on providing a combination of personal service and state of the art banking services unmatched by any bank, anywhere.

Much has changed in our society and in banking since our bank opened in 1908, but not our bank’s primary focus. While growing to be the largest and strongest bank in Mississippi County, we now also serve customers 24/7 across the country, and across the globe, with state of the art Internet banking services, Mobile Banking, Instant Issue Debit Cards, and much more. By daily maintaining our focus on you, our goal is to be the bank you’ll turn to for all your banking and loan needs.

Technology is great. So is leading the way with new and needed banking services. What is even better is to know that your customers know that you are meeting your goals by caring about, and focusing on, meeting their needs. That’s traditional banking at its best. That’s Farmers Bank & Trust Company.